Plug rental
Performed by ODB
Performed by customer
Private event
Public event
Our recyclable pet kegs, we ask that they be returned without any kind of tampering as they must be disposed of and handled by trained professionals containing high pressure (2-3 bars). Officina della Birra SA declines any responsibility in case of damage caused by the latter.
At the time of delivery, the client will be instructed sufficiently to put the plant into operation without the support of ODB SA.
The on-call service in case of breakdowns caused by the customer is available at a cost of CHF 50.– per hour including transport.
If the delivery deadline is not met, an amount of CHF 50.- per 24 hours of delay will be charged.
Officina della Birra is open to any reassessment of agreements for long-term rentals.
Equipment must be returned Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The direct payment at the redelivery benefits of 5% discount on the total.
We guarantee the functioning, the sanitation, the equipment and a thorough check before delivery.
All damages caused and not listed at the time of delivery will be charged at the time of redelivery.
Delivery and collection made by ODB will be charged CHF 100.–
I accept the
terms & conditions